Vandal proofing your exhibition

A recurring problem with exhibits and stands is vandalism. Anything that sticks out will be broken off either by curious visitors or teenagers trying to impress. Since the Radsense sensor is radar based, it can solve this problem once and for all. At EIS (Energisenteret) they have an exhibit showcasing […]

RadSense sensor examples for making Alarms

To make it easier to get started with RadSense, we keep adding examples. For basic use of the sensor, absolutely no programming is required. You just unpack it and hook it up. In the first example, we’re making a simple and effective alarm that will sound off as soon as

Scary Halloween tunnel with radar sensor

Want to scare your Halloween visitors as they walk up to the candy? Use the RadSense to turn off lights as the visitors get closer to the candy! No programming required! Set up a bowl of candy in your garage. Place the RadSense above the candy, pointing at the garage entrance. Connect

Adding more documentation

Getting started with your product should be easy, so we keep adding to the documentation for RadSense 1. The video below will show how to make a basic connection using a battery and light bulb. If you want to use the bluetooth feature to set precise distances or just

Using the RadSense to switch video sources

In an exhibit created by Expology for Stavanger Museeum, users can use a heavy duty microscope to view specimens from the exhibit. The exhibit formerly used PIR sensors, but these had the habit of turning off if a viewer was fascinated and stood still. Switching to the RadSense 1 sensor,

Launching the RadSense 1

After a year of research and development, we’ve now officially launched the RadSense 1. The device is a presence detector that solves several problems with other products on the market today: As opposed to Passive infrared sensors, the RadSense 1 is not affected by someone standing still. A classic problem

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